about the gals

Hi! I'm Arianna. Abbey said that I could go first so here I am. ;) Abbey and I have been besties for almost 5 years now, our "anniversary" is September 4th, 2010, when we met at a picnic for homeschooling. But enough about our story, because that will be shared in a later blog post. I get to write about my favorite person now! (Because for those of you who have a best friend, you know that you know them better than they know themselves sometimes ;) Abbey Noelle is my absolute favorite person ever. ;) I love her to the moon and back and so much more. I think I would die without her, no really. I would. She's a little bit quirky, but so am I so that works out very nicely. ;) She shares my huge obsession with Paris (hence our blog name ;) ) and she's the cutest blogger ever. No she really is! I'm not even being biased here, you need to go see her blog it's the most adorable thing! She's 16 going on 17 and a little bit of a hopeless romantic. ;) she's got to be the book-wormiest bookworm I've ever met. (honestly I'm jealous of that quality... haha) She has Hazel eyes and sometimes I stop right in the middle of wherever we are just to look at them because they're so cool and they change all the time! she has beautiful brunette hair that curls at the ends that I simply adore. She gets ridiculously hyper on ice cream, which is why I encourage her to have it so much ;) She's hilarious when she's hyper. Trust me on this one. She's been there with me through the ups and the downs of my whole life and encourage me to keep my relationship with Jesus strong as I go through my daily battles of being a teenage girl, and I still can't thank God enough for her. 

Well hey. ;) I'm Abbey, the crazy girl who Arianna mentions once or twice above. Hehe. Arianna is..woah. Is a completely, perfectly stunningly GORGEOUS woman and I'm proud + honored to call her my best friend. She has blonde hair that reminds me of sunshine + bright, mysterious blue eyes that remind me of the ocean. We met when we were two awkward tweens...both in major need of another girl to be her authentic friend. She's been my best, best friend ever since I moved to the state of Minnesota, which I now call home. Writing about her now makes me so incredibly emotional, just thinking about all that she has done for me out of pure love + friendship. I've...been through a lot. When I was fighting depression, she was the light of happiness that brought me out. She has helped me in my walk with Jesus Christ, she has sent me crazy letters that she had written by the tiny beam of her flashlight at 1:00 in the morning, because she simply missed me. She lifts me up when I am down, and I love her for that. I love this girl so incredibly much, and wish there was a way to show her how much I really care. No matter how many letters I write, hugs I give, or smiles I show could possibly be enough. I can only hope that someday you'll understand, girly! One of my favorite things to do when I'm around her is tease her...because what good friend wouldn't? ;) I tease her because her laughs + shocked reactions are utterly adorable. Gah. ♥ ♥ I trust her with my whole heart + soul, and so naturally she probably knows me better than I even know myself. I'm blown away by how much we have in common, and we'll probably have to make a post about that sometime. ;) (Trust me, it's almost freaky. She's literally my twin.) We both have obsessions with Paris, the city of love..lighthouses, twirly dresses, rainy days, romantic movies that make you swoon, icecream, and daydreaming up lovely things. I'm so happy to be starting this blog with her, and I hope you guys enjoy reading about our adventures. Stay lovely, friends. 


Arianna Rose + Abbey Noelle 

♥ ♥ 

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