February 12, 2015

A Lovely Galentines Brunch

Hey everyone! Happy Valentine's Day to you! ;) I hope it's a lovely day for every one of you like it was for us on the beautiful Saturday in our tiny town here in M.N. (well, actually, Abbey lives in a slightly bigger town, but believe me, mine's tiny)
So here's the story. My dearest friend Raven came to me after church on Sunday and said that she was tired of all the girls moping around about being single, and that she wanted to host a "Galentine Brunch." Of course, being the party planner that I am... I practically begged her to let me help, and, being the Raven that she is, she said I could. (YAYYAYYAY!!! <<i was saying this all the way home.)
We pulled it off guys, In just SIX DAYS! (dude. that's pretty cool. *blows hair to the side* ) We got our girly Abbey here and a few other girls and we had a blast! I wish we had had time to get pictures of the room, because it was darling. Oh wait. I have this one that one of our lovely ladies took! :D
So yeah, cute cute cute! :D
So before I go (I know I know, Arianna good heavens let Abbey say something already!) I want to tell you just a little bit about our Raven. :)
first of all, let me just say you guys that THIS is weird!!!! ^^
I've maybbeee gotten like 5 hugs from her ever. and as for smiles for pictures, well... haha. that's all I'm going to say about that....
But we love her to pieces and want her just the way she is! :D She's a pretty fantastic gal. Abbey and I were talking the other day and we decided that Raven is the peanut butter to our jelly, and we're just double jellys. hahaha. what I mean to say is that we go together perfect cuz we're always matching in our personality and we're always thinking the same thing. We're both dramatic and we both cry at sappy romance movies. ;) Raven, well, as Abbey put it that day (actually for you fans this was coffee shop day. haha, fans. ) "she's the peanut butter because you're sweet and sappy and she's... um... sticky?" (actually guys that might've been me. I don't remember who said that, but it made sense. )
Oh one more thing, Raven's absolute favorite hobby is to tease me until my face gets redder than a tomato. It's not funny. Stop laughing.
So sefice to say that her and Abbey together, well, it's a very terrifying thing... they both have so much on me dang it that I can't get a break!
this is them laughing at me for.. something. ^^
This is them just bein' them! (heeheee Abbey's not going to appreciate that I got this picture of her... ;) btw, this is usually want Raven looks like when she takes pictures. no joke. )
hahaha and this is what Raven usually looks like when we hug her.^This picture is pretty stinkin' cute. may I just say. ;)
This, ^ this is our Raven. Thanks for being you dear. ;) you hold us sappy jelly girls together. <3

Hey there, Abbey speaking! ;)
Oh my gosh..I can't get over how gorgeous my friends are. Gah, aren't they pretty thangs?! So our lovely friend Raven hosted a galentines day party, and woah. That girl can host a partay. ;) We ate heart-shaped waffles, chocolates, danced till dawn playing Just Dance (haha, totally kidding. We only played a few rounds ;) ) and had a photoshoot, which was a blast. I know for sure I had a ball, and what girl doesn't like dressing up for parties..honestly? ;) Talk to you soon, loves! Arianna + I have lots of fun ideas for posts, which we are so excited to share in the near future!

Abbey Arianna


  1. That looks like a lot of fun! :) You all are adorable.

  2. Aw thanks Ashley! It was, so much fun :D
